
その他の AI絵の記事



最近、忙しさからゲームもアニメも漫画も大して楽しめていなくて、特に記事にできるものがないので、今回はスキマ時間にStable diffusionで描いてもらった絵を上げておくだけの記事です。


Prompt:{{{masterpiece}}}, {{{best quality}}}, {{ultra-detailed}}, {illustration},
silver long hair, black sailor suit, pleated skirt, black socks, standing,
clear face, ((expressionless9), serious, bangs,
London, city, blue sky, brick wall, brick tile street,traffic jam
Negative prompt:sketched by bad-artist, (worst quality:2), (low quality:2), white background, simple background, lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, artist name, bad feet, (ugly:1.3), (duplicate:1.3), (morbid:1.2), (mutilated:1.3), (tranny:1.3), mutated hands, (poorly drawn hands:1.3), (blurry:1.3), (bad anatomy:1.2), (bad proportions:1.3), extra limbs, cloned face, (disfigured:1.3), (more than 2 nipples:1.3), (missing arms:1.3), (extra legs:1.3), mutated hands, (fused fingers:1.5), (too many fingers:1.5), (unclear eyes:1.3), sad, missing fingers, low quality body parts, missing body parts, disproportional body parts, indistinguishable body parts, branched body parts, bent, body parts, rheumatism finers, ugly fingers, melted fingers, too fat, too skiny, low quality female, low quality male, poor colors, low quality clothes, poor background, wholesome, 3D, CG, less details, censored, multiple legs, gay, (panel layout:1.3), (trembling:1.3), (motion lines:1.3), (out of focus:1.5), Multi Angle Photography, (Multiple penises:1.5), (bulbous nose:1.5), (real nose:1.5), (panel layout:1.5), puffy nipple, thicc, Bobble head, bad-artist, (bad_prompt_version2:0.8), pubic hair, multiple views


London, city, brick wall, brick tile street






Stable diffusionは厚塗り系の絵が多かったので、こういうシンプル寄りの画風が好きな人にはありがたいモデルになるはず。


Prompt:(((best quality))), ((ultra-detailed)), ((eyelash)), ((high detailr eyes)), ((illustration)),
1girl, silver short hair,
fantasy, adventurer, cape, boots, Accessory pouch bert, take a knife, black pants,
Negative prompt:((skirt)), expose skin, jpg, jpeg, low quality,(blush, embarrassed, full-face blush, troubled eyebrows:1.5),, sketched by bad-artist, (worst quality:1.3), (low quality:1.3), white background, simple background, lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, artist name, bad feet, (ugly:1.3), (duplicate:1.3), (morbid:1.2), (mutilated:1.3), (tranny:1.3), mutated hands, (poorly drawn hands:1.3), (blurry:1.3), (bad anatomy:1.2), (bad proportions:1.3), extra limbs, cloned face, (disfigured:1.3), (more than 2 nipples:1.3), (missing arms:1.3), (extra legs:1.3), mutated hands, (fused fingers:1.5), (too many fingers:1.5), (unclear eyes:1.3), sad, missing fingers, low quality body parts, missing body parts, disproportional body parts, indistinguishable body parts, branched body parts, bent, body parts, rheumatism finers, ugly fingers, melted fingers, too fat, too skiny, low quality female, low quality male, poor colors, low quality clothes, poor background, wholesome, 3D, CG, less details, censored, multiple legs, gay, (panel layout:1.3), (trembling:1.3), (motion lines:1.3), (out of focus:1.5), Multi Angle Photography, (Multiple penises:1.5), (bulbous nose:1.5), (real nose:1.5), (panel layout:1.5), puffy nipple, thicc, Bobble head, bad-artist, (bad_prompt_version2:0.8), pubic hair, multiple views, sketched by bad-artist, (worst quality:2), (low quality:2), white background, simple background, lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, artist name, bad feet, (ugly:1.3), (duplicate:1.3), (morbid:1.2), (mutilated:1.3), (tranny:1.3), mutated hands, (poorly drawn hands:1.3), (blurry:1.3), (bad anatomy:1.2), (bad proportions:1.3), extra limbs, cloned face, (disfigured:1.3), (more than 2 nipples:1.3), (missing arms:1.3), (extra legs:1.3), mutated hands, (fused fingers:1.5), (too many fingers:1.5), (unclear eyes:1.3), sad, missing fingers, low quality body parts, missing body parts, disproportional body parts, indistinguishable body parts, branched body parts, bent, body parts, rheumatism finers, ugly fingers, melted fingers, too fat, too skiny, low quality female, low quality male, poor colors, low quality clothes, poor background, wholesome, 3D, CG, less details, censored, multiple legs, gay, (panel layout:1.3), (trembling:1.3), (motion lines:1.3), (out of focus:1.5), Multi Angle Photography, (Multiple penises:1.5), (bulbous nose:1.5), (real nose:1.5), (panel layout:1.5), puffy nipple, thicc, Bobble head, bad-artist, (bad_prompt_version2:0.8), pubic hair, multiple views
fantasy, adventurer






Prompt:1girl, ((black hair)), clear face, adventurer, fantasy, ((cloak)), ((leather Pouch)), small breast,
simple background,
Negative prompt:nsfw, lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text error, missing fingers, extra digits, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, standard quality, peg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, helmet, skirt,




Prompt:(((masterpiece))), (((best quality))), ((ultra-detailed)), ((illustration)), ((high detail eyes)), eyeliner,
1girl, solo, ((black hair)), clear face, adventurer, fantasy, ((cloak)), ((leather Pouch)), small breast,
sitting, squat,
back street, back alley, off-street, (((masterpiece))), (((best quality))), ((ultra-detailed)), ((illustration)), ((high detailr eyes)),
(black long hair, [smug face], pony tail girl) AND (silver long hair, bangs, clear face girl),
black sailor suit, pleated skirt, black socks,
Negative prompt:multiple legs, 2girls,, jpg, jpeg, low quality,(blush, embarrassed, full-face blush, troubled eyebrows:1.5),, sketched by bad-artist, (worst quality:1.3), (low quality:1.3), white background, simple background, lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, artist name, bad feet, (ugly:1.3), (duplicate:1.3), (morbid:1.2), (mutilated:1.3), (tranny:1.3), mutated hands, (poorly drawn hands:1.3), (blurry:1.3), (bad anatomy:1.2), (bad proportions:1.3), extra limbs, cloned face, (disfigured:1.3), (more than 2 nipples:1.3), (missing arms:1.3), (extra legs:1.3), mutated hands, (fused fingers:1.5), (too many fingers:1.5), (unclear eyes:1.3), sad, missing fingers, low quality body parts, missing body parts, disproportional body parts, indistinguishable body parts, branched body parts, bent, body parts, rheumatism finers, ugly fingers, melted fingers, too fat, too skiny, low quality female, low quality male, poor colors, low quality clothes, poor background, wholesome, 3D, CG, less details, censored, multiple legs, gay, (panel layout:1.3), (trembling:1.3), (motion lines:1.3), (out of focus:1.5), Multi Angle Photography, (Multiple penises:1.5), (bulbous nose:1.5), (real nose:1.5), (panel layout:1.5), puffy nipple, thicc, Bobble head, bad-artist, (bad_prompt_version2:0.8), pubic hair, multiple views, sketched by bad-artist, (worst quality:2), (low quality:2), white background, simple background, lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, artist name, bad feet, (ugly:1.3), (duplicate:1.3), (morbid:1.2), (mutilated:1.3), (tranny:1.3), mutated hands, (poorly drawn hands:1.3), (blurry:1.3), (bad anatomy:1.2), (bad proportions:1.3), extra limbs, cloned face, (disfigured:1.3), (more than 2 nipples:1.3), (missing arms:1.3), (extra legs:1.3), mutated hands, (fused fingers:1.5), (too many fingers:1.5), (unclear eyes:1.3), sad, missing fingers, low quality body parts, missing body parts, disproportional body parts, indistinguishable body parts, branched body parts, bent, body parts, rheumatism finers, ugly fingers, melted fingers, too fat, too skiny, low quality female, low quality male, poor colors, low quality clothes, poor background, wholesome, 3D, CG, less details, censored, multiple legs, gay, (panel layout:1.3), (trembling:1.3), (motion lines:1.3), (out of focus:1.5), Multi Angle Photography, (Multiple penises:1.5), (bulbous nose:1.5), (real nose:1.5), (panel layout:1.5), puffy nipple, thicc, Bobble head, bad-artist, (bad_prompt_version2:0.8), pubic hair, multiple views




Promptに「(A prompt)AND(B prompt)」とありますが、この記法で「人間Aと人間Bの二人がいる絵」を出せないかと思って試したのですが、失敗したものです。



Prompt:(((masterpiece))), (((best quality))), ((ultra-detailed)), ((illustration)), ((high detailr eyes)),
(black long hair, [smug face], pony tail girl) AND (silver long hair, bangs, clear face girl),
black sailor suit, pleated skirt, black socks,
Negative prompt:jpg, jpeg, low quality,(blush, embarrassed, full-face blush, troubled eyebrows:1.5),, sketched by bad-artist, (worst quality:1.3), (low quality:1.3), white background, simple background, lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, artist name, bad feet, (ugly:1.3), (duplicate:1.3), (morbid:1.2), (mutilated:1.3), (tranny:1.3), mutated hands, (poorly drawn hands:1.3), (blurry:1.3), (bad anatomy:1.2), (bad proportions:1.3), extra limbs, cloned face, (disfigured:1.3), (more than 2 nipples:1.3), (missing arms:1.3), (extra legs:1.3), mutated hands, (fused fingers:1.5), (too many fingers:1.5), (unclear eyes:1.3), sad, missing fingers, low quality body parts, missing body parts, disproportional body parts, indistinguishable body parts, branched body parts, bent, body parts, rheumatism finers, ugly fingers, melted fingers, too fat, too skiny, low quality female, low quality male, poor colors, low quality clothes, poor background, wholesome, 3D, CG, less details, censored, multiple legs, gay, (panel layout:1.3), (trembling:1.3), (motion lines:1.3), (out of focus:1.5), Multi Angle Photography, (Multiple penises:1.5), (bulbous nose:1.5), (real nose:1.5), (panel layout:1.5), puffy nipple, thicc, Bobble head, bad-artist, (bad_prompt_version2:0.8), pubic hair, multiple views, sketched by bad-artist, (worst quality:2), (low quality:2), white background, simple background, lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, artist name, bad feet, (ugly:1.3), (duplicate:1.3), (morbid:1.2), (mutilated:1.3), (tranny:1.3), mutated hands, (poorly drawn hands:1.3), (blurry:1.3), (bad anatomy:1.2), (bad proportions:1.3), extra limbs, cloned face, (disfigured:1.3), (more than 2 nipples:1.3), (missing arms:1.3), (extra legs:1.3), mutated hands, (fused fingers:1.5), (too many fingers:1.5), (unclear eyes:1.3), sad, missing fingers, low quality body parts, missing body parts, disproportional body parts, indistinguishable body parts, branched body parts, bent, body parts, rheumatism finers, ugly fingers, melted fingers, too fat, too skiny, low quality female, low quality male, poor colors, low quality clothes, poor background, wholesome, 3D, CG, less details, censored, multiple legs, gay, (panel layout:1.3), (trembling:1.3), (motion lines:1.3), (out of focus:1.5), Multi Angle Photography, (Multiple penises:1.5), (bulbous nose:1.5), (real nose:1.5), (panel layout:1.5), puffy nipple, thicc, Bobble head, bad-artist, (bad_prompt_version2:0.8), pubic hair, multiple views














